Orthodontics deals with the moving of teeth within the oral cavity and directing the growth of the jaws. One of the consequences of human evolution is that most children must wear dental braces to correct the discrepancy between the size of the jaw and the teeth.
Orthodontic anomalies can be:
- Inherited: when a child inherits the jaw size from one parent and teeth size from another, it creates disproportion
- Acquired: the most common cause of the tooth position irregularities is the early loss of the milk teeth. If a child loses a milk tooth at an early age, the space for its permanent replacement is lost. In the later period, this results in the necessity of wearing the orthodontic device.
Apart from aesthetics, the medical aspect of orthodontic anomalies is of a crucial importance. Incorrectly positioned teeth are less accessible for cleaning and therefore maintaining the optimum level of oral hygiene, so they are more susceptible to caries and periodontal disease.

It is primarily intended to correct irregularities in children who don’t have all permanent teeth, i.e. until all milk teeth are removed. They are worn every night and a few hours during the day. The dental braces have a small key, which should be used once in 7-15 days to again activate the apparatus.
Fixed orthodontic appliances
Fixed orthodontic appliances correct irregularities of the teeth and jaw only in patients with the permanent dentition. Treatment depends on the type of the irregularities and lasts from one to a maximum of two years.

There are two types of fixed orthodontic appliances:
Standard, conventional, metal brackets
White, ceramic brackets, less visible and almost unnoticeable
The quality of therapy is identical, the difference is only in aesthetics. After the therapy and removal of the brackets, a retention splint (transparent foil) is made which the patient must wear twice as long as the fixed appliance. The foil is worn every night, and occasionally during the day. It is washed only with cold water and is not used during the meals.

Invisalign (providne folije za ispravljanje zuba)
Providne folije imaju izuzetan funkcionalni učinak i estetski su najprihvatljiviji metod za dovođenje zuba u pravilan položaj.
Najčešće se pomeraju prednji zubi i tretman se sastoji od uzimanja otisaka zuba i izrade nekoliko tankih providnih folija koje se sukcesivno smenjuju na svake dve nedelje . Folije postepeno vrše pritisak na zube i precizno ih dovode u željeni položaj. Tretman obično traje nekoliko meseci a prvi rezultati se vide vrlo brzo. Osim izuzetno lakog održavanja higijene prednost ove metode u odnosu na klasične metalne bravice je i u kraćem vremenu tretmana kao i u estetskom pogledu.

Savremeni koncept pomeranja zuba je zasnovan na preciznom laboratorijskom radu i kompjuterskoj pripremi koja skraćuje vreme tretmana i čini ga ugodnijim i efikasnijim. Folije se nose u toku noći i nekoliko sati u toku dana tako da se može neometano uživati u svim svakodnevnim aktivnostima. Kada zubi dostignu željeni položaj postavlja se retenciona folija koja se nosi noću i ima ulogu da stabilizuje i zadrži zube u ispravnom položaju.
Folije se izradjuju sukcesivno i nose uz redovne kontrole. Precizno odredjujemo pojedinačno pomeranje svakog zuba i možemo predvideti krajnji rezultat. Takodje možemo odraditi seriju od više folija i programirati dovodjenje zuba u pravilan i lep niz.
Funkcionalni ortodontski aprarati imaju osnovnu karakteristiku da u svojoj konstrukciji nemaju nikakav izvor sile, već oni svojim prisustvom u usnoj duplji menjaju tonus i aktivnost mišića regije usta stvarajući u njima silu koja se prenosi na koštane, zubne i mišićne strukture, te tako dolazi do promena. Ne stoje stabilno u ustima i mogu se izrađivati izjedna za obe vilice ili, pak, pojedinačno, ali se u tom slučaju uvek nose zajedno.

Inman appliance
Inman appliance corrects minor imperfections in patients with permanent teeth. They are worn at night and results are better than the one achieved by wearing removable plates.