The founder and owner of the “Family Dent” dental practice is Dr Nenad Topalović who graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry in Belgrade in 2005. In 2007, he started his independent private practice and established “Family Dent”. Conscientious, responsible, professional and dedicated to his patients, he approaches each patient with special care and therefore enjoys immense respect from his patients and colleagues.

Od kada je osnovana, stomatološka ordinacija Family Dent je konstantno uvećavala broj svojih pacijenata. Danas su to najčešće stanovnici naselja Vidikovac, Cerak, Žarkovo i Filmski grad, ali nam dolaze i pacijenti iz drugih delova Beograda i Srbije. Takodje, sve češće se medju našim vernim klijentima nalaze i osobe koje žive u inostranstvu.
He has completed numerous courses in Serbia and abroad, constantly striving to improve his daily practice, taking the level of work to the top. Some of the numerous courses are: hyaluronic fillers, mechanical instrumentation of root canals, composite veneers, dental implant prosthetics, non-metal ceramic crowns and bridges.
He is always up-to-date with scientific and technological achievements in the field of dentistry, introducing innovations into the routine of his daily practice.